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Kavia Chappell

kavia chappell

Wife | Mom | Entrepreneur

Kavia Chappell gives her all to being an amazing wife, loving mother, go-getter and serial Entrepreneur. She has made a way to balance family and career and make success look effortless.  She has started and run several home-based businesses: Hand-crafted Gel candles, real estate investing and travel agency, all while keeping a 9-5. 

Join the Facebook Group: Just S.(steps)T.(to)A.(achieve)R.(rising)T(transformation) Your Business: Unpacking the Entrepreneurial Suitcase. It is an online community for entrepreneurs at any stage.  This platform is geared towards providing education, business resources and classes to create multiple streams of income!

She is making it her mission to share the knowledge and process on how to get started and create multiple streams of income by creating workshops and implementing coaching sessions. She has an upcoming series about getting started and other workshops ahead. You can also work with her during a 1 one 1 coaching session. Click on the sections below.
